


兼容并不一定等同于好的设计. While most working in the accessibility field will know the term DDA (or Disability Discrimination Act), 许多项目经理, 架构师, 建筑商 and other construction professionals will use the term without understanding its full meaning.


The first thing to understand is the distinction between the different accessibility standards. 最根本的是, it’s vital to understand that the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and the Building Code of 澳大利亚 (BCA) are not one and the same. 虽然两者的元素在许多节点上相互作用, 它们涵盖了构建和遵从性过程的不同元素.

一方面, the DDA is a federal requirement and operates above the BCA. 事实上, 大多数时候, 当需要解决不符合BCA的实例时, DDA可以被引用优先于BCA结果. 虽然皇家88账户注册似乎合乎逻辑,但它也带来了一些潜在的问题.

The most significant problem with relying on the DDA is that it’s not regulated by any single authority during the building design phase. 例如, 没有任何一个权威机构可以确保建设者, 项目经理, or developers design and construct buildings according to DDA compliance certification.

有时,委员会可能会要求进行全面的设计审查. 在其他情况下, some private enterprises may be aware of the need to meet accessibility requirements and will initiate their own engagement for a DDA review. 然而, 大多数时候都是皇家88账户注册样, 皇家88账户注册要由访问顾问来介绍, 教育, 并向客户“推销”他们为什么需要考虑DDA审查. Jensen Hughes团队总是尽最大努力提供DDA建议.

Compared to the DDA, the BCA can be seen as largely a tick-the-box exercise. Everything is quantified, provided in examples, and either complies or doesn’t. BCA框架并不适用于所有情况. 一方面, the BCA would be too extensive if its purpose was to cover the permutations of every type of development in size, 使用组合, 网站下降, 以及它所在的州.

Essentially, the BCA provides the general framework and minimums for the industry to follow. 但实际上,它应该以此为基础. 开发人员, 建筑商, 架构师, and 项目经理 are also seemingly always designing to these minimums instead of taking the basic framework as good enough.


We frequently work with clients who have not undergone an official DDA review and believe that, 因为他们没有遇到任何问题, 将来不会再有了. 不幸的是,皇家88账户注册种想法导致了一系列令人遗憾的事件.

For those who choose to continue working without DDA compliance, the risks are numerous. 在本质上, operating without DDA compliance leaves many in the industry at the mercy of users who do not flag an issue or comply with the Human Rights Commission – a situation that anyone in the industry would prefer to avoid.

The need to pay heed to these risks and underlying accessibility requirements is growing. 数百万澳大利亚人需要无障碍住房, 随着皇家88娱乐的寿命不断延长,皇家88账户注册个数字还在稳步上升.

人们知道自己的权利, 以及信息共享工具的力量, 比如社交媒体, means it’s easier than ever to document a situation that has left an accessible user with hardship. 简而言之, it’s important to be accessibility compliant because it’s not only risky not to be, 但皇家88账户注册也是正确的做法.


所有项目都应提供DDA审查. As previously mentioned, DDA compliance isn’t a choice – it’s a federal requirement. The fact that these reviews aren’t conducted across every project is perplexing. Similarly, the BCA should be more than a tick-the-box exercise that aims to meet a minimal standard. 为背景, 我已经概述了一个符合BCA的例子, 但DDA人权委员会的投诉将会成立.

至于会议中心(类别9b),根据第F2条订明的BCA.4(a) only requires an accessible bathroom at 50% of the standard bathroom banks per level. The convention centre is large and includes ballrooms, lecture halls, and other mixed uses. 会议中心的每个侧翼都有两个浴室. BCA要求皇家88账户注册些银行中的1x提供可访问的浴室和, 通过扩展, ambulant浴室.

可访问用户参加的讲座/活动在大厅1. The accessible user needs to use the bathroom and finds the wayfinding at Toilet Bank 1 indicating that Toilet Bank 2 has the accessible bathroom and ambulant facilities. 他们现在需要走50多米的路才能到达厕所银行, undertake the pan transfer (which might not suit them due to their impairment), 然后再往回走50米到1号大厅. 相比, a non-physically impaired user travels ten metres to the bathroom and returns to the lecture an average of 30 minutes faster than the accessible user.


  • Experienced significant hardship for the distance travelled compared to the standard user who went to Toilet Bank 1.
  • Missed all or part of a lecture they paid for due to the time it took them to use the facilities.
  • Potentially had an accident in the bathroom while rushing or being fatigued from travelling a significant distance.
  • Encountered other obstacles due to the nature of their impairment and the not ‘fit-for-purpose’ facility, 强迫他们在另一层楼或其他场地找到方便的洗手间.

令人惊讶的是,皇家88账户注册种设计将符合BCA. The accessible bathroom is provided at 50% of the toilet banks, meeting the BCA requirement. The building certifier would provide the venue with an occupation certificate. 如果将来有索赔,场地将不承担责任. Further to this, the Human Rights Commission complaint falls on the owner.

几个关键问题仍然存在,特别是对访问顾问而言. 例如, should the BCA consider quantifying the distance between accessible bathrooms to eliminate this issue? 在我看来,应该是皇家88账户注册样. 但在现实中, this instance is simply one of many where BCA compliance tries to comply with a DDA example. 在某些情况下, 比如最近在阳光海岸的一个例子, 两种代码不一致的代价可能高达数百万美元.

防止皇家88账户注册种类型的混淆并不总是可能的. 然而, 就像皇家88账户注册个例子一样, a DDA report could have been done to introduce some important elements to the building and construction process, 即, 机会, equity and equality – all the things we strive to uphold in the work we do at Jensen Hughes.